My first year Royal College of Art Film: An animated documentary about a woman who turns into a castle based on Oliver Sacks Case study.

She dreamed she was imprisoned in an inaccessible castle, but the castle had the form and shape of herself, she dreamed that she had become a living statue of stone. Encephalitis Lethargica swept the world in the 1920 and attacked the brain, leaving the victims like statues. Speechless and motionless. A milion died and millions more were left frozen inside their useless bodies. Untill in the 60s Oliver Sacks startet experimenting with a new medication called L-Dopa

Awards: Award for best Austrian Animation, 2 Days Animation Festival 2018 Award for Best Student Film, Under The Radar Festival 2019

Nominated for Best Animated Short at Raindance Film Festival 2019 Best Student Film/ Under the Radar Award Screenings: Raindance LIAF - London International Film Festival Diagonale Tricky Women Festival LINOLEUM Carmarthen Bay Film Festival LIAF/ London International Film Festival Austrian Independant Film Festival Under The Radar Festival La Truca Feminist Film Series Shorts On Tap - London St. Louis International Film Festival and many more...

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